DataStructure Graph
Zhejiang University
It is used to represent a many-to-many relationship.
It is so powerful because it includes both linear lists(one to one) and trees(one to many).
- Vertex(V): the set of all vertexes.
- Edge: the set of all sides.
- (v, w). Double directions.
- . From v to w (single direction).
- No multiple edges or multiple loops.
A Quick Review: Definition of Abstract Data Type
Name: Graph
DataSet: G(V, E). V is Nonempty E is limited.
Operation Set
- Graph Create()
- Graph InsertVertex(Grapg G, Vertex v)
- Graph InsertEdge(Graph G, Edge e)
- void DFS(Graph G, Vertex v)
- void BFS(Graph G, Vertex v)
- void ShortestPath(Graph G, Vertex v, int Dist[])
- void MST(Graph G)
- …
- Undirected Graph
- Directed Graph
- Network(the edges have weight)
Creating a Graph
Adjacency Matrix
G[i][j] = 1, if is an edge in G.
G[i][j] = 0, else.
The matrix is symmetric, thus we can use a 1-d array. The subscript will be:
This can also be applied to network. G[i][j] will be the edge’s weight.
- Easy to understand
- Easy to find out whether there exists an edge
- Easy to find an arbitrary vertex’s all adjacent vertexes.
- Easy to calculate the degree of an arbitrary vertex.
- The number of edges flowing out of a vertex is OutDegree.
- The number of edges flowing out of a vertex is InDegree.
- Wasting space, especially for sparse graph
- Useful for complete graph or dense graph.
- Wasting time, especially for sparse graph.
Adjacent List
G[N] is a pointer array, representing each row in the matrix(a linked list). It only stores nonempty element.
This is actually not as efficient as expected. Each node has a tag and a pointer. If it is a network, there will also be a place to store its weight.
- Easy to find out all connected vertexes.
- Save space for a sparse graph.
- N head pointers
- 2E nodes(each has 2 domains)
- Number of vertexes of a given vertex
- Undirected Graph: Easy
- Directed Graph: Difficult.
It is only easy to calculate the OutDegree. To sum the InDegree, we need to create a reversed one.
- Difficult to check whether there exists an edge between any given pair of vertexes.