DataStructure Stack
Zhejiang University
How to make computer understand the priority of calculating?
Nifix Expression is what we are customed to use. But Postfix Expression is easier for a computer to understand. We need a structure to store numbers and operators in order and get them out in the reverse order.
Eg:6 2 / 3 - 4 2 * +
store 6->store 2->6 2 out and divide store 3 in-> store 3->3 3 out and minus store 0 in……
Properties of Stack
- It is a limited linear table.
- Push and Pop at the same end.
Operations Set
- CreateStack
- IsFull
- Push
- IsEmpty
- Pop
Creating Stack
Array+indicator on top
Puzzle: How to create 2 Stacks and use their space most efficiently?
Stack1 | Stack2 |
L TO R | R TO L |
1 |
Wrong: Top is a parameter. This will not change the value outside the function
Linked list (Linked Stack)
Choose the head will be easier to operator. It is more difficult to get the Node ahead of the Rear.
Find the Value of an Expression
- Convert postfix to nifix.
- The sequence of number do not change. Output immediately.
- The sequence of operators will change
- Store the ‘waiting’ operators.
- Compare the ‘waiting’ operators and the last operator. Pop all the ‘waiting operators’ of higher priority and then push the current operator.
- If all objects are handled, pop all operators in the stack.
- In case of brackets.
- Outside the brackets, we need to calculate the result in the brackets. Inside the brackets, they(left bracket) have the lowest priority instead.
- Once get the right bracket, pop out the operators in the stack until meeting the left bracket.
- In case of 2 operators of the same priority, the first one will have a higher priority (calculate from left to right).
- Calculate the nifix expression.
Other utilities
Call of a function and recursion
Depth first search
New Ideas
- To request a piece of space:
Data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*MaxSize);
- Be really careful about the boundary conditions.
- Pay attentation: ‘\n’ at the end of a printf clause is needed.